Saw Wiki

This is not retribution, it’s a reawakening.
— John Kramer

The Cons' Game is one of Jigsaw's games in the Saw franchise, occurring in Saw X.



The victims of this game were people involved in The Pederson Project, a scam set up by Cecilia Pederson in order to grift people with fake cancer treatments. After John Kramer himself was a victim of said scam, he abducted Diego and subjected him to a test where he got a pipe bomb attached to each forearm, and must use scalpels taped to his hands to cut through his forearms and remove the bombs, akin to "removing a cancer". Diego passed his test and ratted everyone involved in the scam. John had Mark Hoffman track down the location of his accomplices and abducted them all with the help of Amanda Young.

First Test[]

You promised dying people - DYING PEOPLE! - that you could save their lives. And in doing so, you took advantage of the only thing that they still possessed: hope.

And still you lie. My associate, Amanda here, has had a look at your bank records. Take a look. Who are those thirty-four people to you?

Did they have children that are now orphaned? You’ve been doing this larcenist dance now for more than eight years. Eight years. That’s more than eight million dollars. That’s a lot of pain… to inflict on others... for your own enrichment.

— John explaining the reason for the game

