Saw Wiki

When the time's right, you'll know what to do with it.
— John gives Jill the key[src]

Jill's Box was an important item in the Saw franchise, primarily appearing in Saw V and VI.


Last Words[]

Saw VI John Kramer Jigsaw Jill Tuck Flashback

John and Jill see each other for the last time

When John Kramer, better known as the Jigsaw Killer, became weaker and came closer to his death due to his cancer disease, his ex-wife, Jill Tuck, went to his hideout at the abandoned Gideon Meatpacking Plant. While she went through the hallways, she came across John, who sat in a wheelchair, and Amanda Young, his apprentice, who was about to bring him to his room. When they saw Jill, John told Amanda to go after Dr. Lynn Denlon, his former doctor who was going to be the test subject of one of the last games. Once they were alone, John asked Jill why she had come. Jill begged him to finally stop his work. In response, John promised that he had already provided a way out for her and handed her a key. When she asked him what it was for, he closed her hand around the key and merely told her that she would know it when the time came. This was the last time John met with her during his waking life. (Saw VI)

The Box[]

Jill tuck box

Jill opens the box

Later that night, John and Amanda both died at the hands of Jeff Denlon, another one of their victims. Following his demise, Jill was called by his executor, Bernie Feldman. While sitting in the waiting room of his chancery, she felt uncomfortable, when an elderly woman looked at her suspiciously and condemning after seeing her photo in a magazine article about John. Moments later, Jill was finally called into the office by Feldman's secretary. Upon entering, Feldman told her to take a seat. When she asked her for the reason of his call, he told her that he was John's executor and thereby voiced his surprise of the revelation of John's true identity. Prior to his death, John had given him a black box and an envelope for Jill. Feldman opened the envelope, which contained a video tape. This tape was made by John before his death. In his video, he apologized to Jill for the death of their unborn son, Gideon, who died during a miscarriage when Cecil Adams, one of Jill's former patients, robbed her at the Homeward Bound Clinic. John deemed himself partly responsible for this tragic incident due to his support of her work at the clinic. He also told her that he still loved her and would always do so. Finally, he told her about the box, saying that its contents were of grave importance. Despite their disagreements on his methods and moral beliefs, he claimed to fully trust her that she would know what to do with the things in the box. As the video ended, Feldman finally handed her the box and put it on a table. Thereby, Jill realized the purpose of the key which John had given to her during their last conversation. She took of her necklace, to which the key was attached, and opened the box. She was shocked to see that it contained one of John's traps, a Reverse Bear Trap similar to the one John had used for the first test of Amanda Young. Furthermore, the box contained numerous envelopes. When Feldman curiously asked her what was in the box, she closed its lid, thanked Feldman for his call and then left his office with the box. (Saw III, IV, V)

Appearances and References[]

