Saw Wiki

Now you'll make a choice. In 20 seconds the life of this man will be ended.
— Jigsaw challenges Tapp and Sing to save Jeff[src]

The Drill Chair is a trap from the Saw franchise, appearing in the first Saw film.

Design and Function

The Drill Chair consisted of three different parts: a seat to which the victim was chained and two movable poles on the left and the right of the chair. Attached to these poles were two power drills. The trap was started by a pressure switch on the floor. Once it was activated, the poles started to move towards the victim. After 20 seconds, the victim's head would be pierced by the drills. To prevent the victim from evading the drills, the subject was held in place by a neck brace connected to the chair's fixed recline. (Saw)


Jeff Ridenhour's Captivity

Early on in his series of murders, John Kramer, better known as the Jigsaw Killer, targeted Jeff Ridenhour for one of his deadly games. One day, he abducted him and took him to his hideout inside an abandoned mannequin factory at 213 Stygian Street, where he gagged him and strapped him to the Drill Chair.

Saw I Jeff Ridenhour Steven Sing David Tapp Drill Chair

Jeff is found by Tapp and Sing

Shorty after his abduction, Detective David Tapp and Detective Steven Sing managed to deduce the location of the hideout by further examining a video tape left by Jigsaw at the crime scene of one of his previous game. Minutes later, they arrived at the factory and entered the building. When they went upstairs and searched the hideout, they found a box with little figures resembling another deadly game Jigsaw had already planned for the future. Furthermore, they found one of the pig masks he used for his abductions, as well as the mechanical ventriloquist puppet from the video. Moments later, they were startled by a noise nearby, coming from under a large red hood. Eventually, this turned out to be the voice of Jeff Ridenhour, who was still strapped to the chair. However, when they wanted to free him, they suddenly heard the elevator and Tapp told Sing to go into hiding to see what Jigsaw was going to do. Eager to finally arrest the Jigsaw Killer, Sing initially refused to follow Tapp's order, but eventually decided to do so and put the cloth back on Jeff, before quickly going into hiding with Tapp.

Saw I Jeff Ridenhour Drill Chair 1

Jeff in the trap

Moments later, a hooded man, Jigsaw, arrived and approached Jeff. When he told Jeff that he had planned a bigger test for him, Jeff started to cry. Moments later, the detectives came out of their hiding spot and held Jigsaw at gunpoint. However, Jigsaw managed to activate Jeff's trap, which caused the two drills to approach his head, giving the detectives merely 20 seconds to save him. While Tapp took care of the killer and held him at gunpoint, he demanded Jigsaw to tell Sing how to stop the trap and was told that only a key could unlock the metal neck brace which held Jeff's head in place. When Sing found a set of keys in a box, he desperately tried to find the right one among the dozens of keys. Having only a few seconds left, Sing eventually decided to shoot the drills, saving Jeff's life in the process. However, Tapp was distracted by the gunshots, giving Jigsaw the chance to slash his throat with a hidden blade. As he ran away, Sing immediately pursued him and eventually managed to shoot him in a hallway, causing him to collapse. Thinking that Jigsaw was dead, Sing approached him but unwittingly walked right into a booby trap and was fatally wounded by four shotguns. After Sing's death, Jigsaw, who wore some kind of body armor under his cloak and therefore remained unharmed by the shot, stood up and left the hideout, leaving the detectives and Jeff behind. However, Tapp and Jeff were later found and saved by the Metropolitan Police Department. (Saw)

