This category contains a list of all traps in Saw X.
This Category is currently under production
Eye Vacuum Trap[]
The Victim of this trap was an unnamed custodian. He has a mechanical contraption placed around his face with two tubes attached to a vacuum. His right hand is in a fingersnap contraption and his left hand is free to move a dial. The custodian is told he has 60 seconds to move the dial all the way over and his sight will be saved. The vacuum starts up as the trap begins. And each tick on the dial controlled by the left hand snaps the finger of the Victims right hand. If the Victim doesn't free themselves within 60 seconds the vacuum will suck out the eyes of the victim leaving them blind. It is revealed that this trap is created in the mind of John as he witnesses the custodian attempt to steal from a patient. John seemingly drew inspiration for the trap when he noticed the patient's fingers strapped by the bed. In John's mind, the custodian failed the trap and had his eyes sucked out and was blinded in the aftermath.
Pipe Bomb Trap[]
The Victim of this trap was Diego. he eventually woke up with 2 small pipe bombs attached via metal ties on either arm. The ties were sewn into his flesh. Attached to his hands were blades of which he could use to cut the ropes that bound him, triggering a timer. Once this timer is triggered, he is given 3 minutes to sever the flesh with said blades that the metal ties are grafted into in order to remove the pipe bombs from his arms and survive the trap. He is unable to break the metal ties with just the blades. If the victim did not remove the devices in three minutes, the bombs exploded.
The Cons' Game[]
Wire Saw Trap[]
The Victim of this trap was Valentina. The trap has its victim tied against a pipe inside the abandoned hospital, with a Gigli saw wrapped around the victim at neck height. Valentina was given a second Gigli saw and dotted lines drawn across her leg, showing her where to cut. Next to Valentina is a device that measures bone marrow and a bone marrow collecting device for the Victim to use. The trap will activate the Gigli saw around the victim's neck and decapitate the victim if 3 ounces of bone marrow isn't collected within the 3-minute time limit. In order for Valentina to escape this trap, she must saw off her leg with the Gigli saw and collect the required amount of bone marrow before the time expires. Ironically enough, just before John started the trap, Amanda assured the trapped Valentina she would be able to make it if she kept her head, something Valentina would lose after failing. Valentina ended up succeeding in amputating her leg however due to slight hesitation and fear, she lost a few seconds, she would then place the tube in order to extract the marrow needed, the marrow is then extracted however the amount needed isn't met in time and the wire moves closer until it slices through her neck instantly decapitating her as she screams.
Brain Surgery Trap[]
The Victim of this trap was Mateo. He is strapped to a defunct wheelchair and has a mask placed around him covered in electrodes. Above him is a camera that displays the feed of his head to the nearby monitor to allow Mateo to complete the trap. Mateo plays a tape that explains that he must remove a sample of his cerebral tissue and place it in the glass beaker in front of him, which will unlock the key and allow him to escape the trap. Mateo is given 3 minutes to use the tools provided to perform brain surgery on himself. If the timer goes off and the victim has not escaped the trap, the heat coils in the mask will heat up glowing bright red, the mask will close and burn/melt the victims face. Similar to the proposed waffle trap in Saw II that was never used.
Radiation Trap[]
The Victim of this trap was Gabriela. She is suspended in the air by a chain shackled to her left wrist, and she has another shackle on her right ankle. In front of her is a supercharged external radiation therapy machine. She is provided a sledgehammer and given 3 minutes to smash her foot and hand to allow herself to release herself from the chains before the rays burn her to death. Gabriela manages to mangle her foot enough to release it, swinging her away from the radiation's path, but the machine moves back into position in front of her. Gabriela successfully releases her other shackle by bludgeoning her hand, dropping her back onto the floor of the warehouse where she is left badly burnt, but alive.
Bloodboarding Trap[]
The victims of this trial were John Kramer and Carlos. After John Kramer is forced into the trap by Dr. Cecilia Pederson and Parker Sears, Cecilia wants to teach John a lesson. She lures Carlos inside the abandoned hospital and chains him into the other half of the trap with John. The trap is activated, and John and Carlos are chained to the floor as it lifts higher toward the blood boarding mechanisms. The trap itself is designed for 2 victims to be blood-boarded on either side of the trap. If one victim decides to pull the lever, the trap would tilt so that the blood boarding would stop for the other subject. The trap was originally intended for John and Amanda, but Cecilia kidnapped Carlos and put him in Amanda's place.
Gas Chamber Trap[]
The Victims of this trap were Parker Sears and Cecilia Pederson. The trap was activated by pulling the money bag off the locker. The trap took place in the observation room above, where the Doctors' Reawakening was taking place. Poisonous gas starts to seep into the room while Cecilia and Parker are inside. There is a hole in one wall to allow one person to breathe through it, which leads to the victims fighting over air time to breathe. There are weapons in the room that allow for both victims to be equally matched. After long exposure to the poisonous gas, your skin would start to dissolve and rip apart. After 10 minutes, the gas stops seeping into the room. Cecilia survived and was able to kill Parker in order to be the sole survivor however even though the timer hit zero and the gas stopped seeping into the room, it is possible Cecilia still died within the room if the effects of the gas were still there or died to starvation or dehydration if John and Amanda left her without a way out.
Disembowelment Trap[]
The Victim of this trap was Henry Kessler. This trap takes place after the credits in Saw X.
The aftermath of this trap is unknown. We do not see how it plays out. However, it involves the placement of a contraption placed on the victim's torso, The predicted use of this trap involves the shredding of the area on the victim's stomach. Henry was at some point tracked down and brought to John by Mark Hoffman who mocked the victim for trying to scam John, Henry begged for his life but the trap is still activated and John and Hoffman witness it however the scene ends before the aftermath is revealed.
Bloodboarding Trap -
Eye Vacuum Trap -
Brain Surgery Trap -
Disembowelment Trap -
Wire Saw Trap -
Radiation Trap -
Gas Chamber Trap -
Pipe Bomb Trap
All items (9)