This category contains a list of all traps in Jigsaw.
Edgar Munsen's Test[]

The victim in this trap is Edgar Munsen. At a certain time, he had to find a trigger and use it to start a game involving five people, who were trapped inside a barn outside the city. If he refused to do so, he would be killed on his own. Edgar attracted the attention of the police, which resulted in a car chase. With his car, Edgar sped down the roads until he was outbraked by spike strips laid out by the police on the street and eventually hit a street barrier, consisting of numerous water barrels and police vehicles. He smashed his window and climbed out of the car to continue his flight on foot. Pursued by two officers, he eventually reached the warehouse where he previously received his instructions and made it to the rooftop. There, he noticed a red "X" drawn on a steel scaffold, which marked the position of the trigger. Just as he grabbed it, the officers arrived and aimed their guns at him. In the distance, Edgar saw a clock tower and told the officers that five people would die if they didn't call Halloran. The officers did as he said. As the time passed, Edgar started to panic. However, Halloran finally arrived along with his colleague, Detective Keith Hunt. Edgar told him that he was given the choice to either start the game or die on his own. Halloran ordered his man to aim for the trigger and tried to convince Edgar to drop it, but as the time ran out, Edgar activated the trigger. The officers immediately shot the trigger. However, unnoticed by them, Logan was watching them from another rooftop nearby and shot Edgar in the chest with a sniper rifle. As Edgar collapsed, he told Halloran that the game had begun before he passed out due to his injury.
The Murderers' Trial[]
The victims of this trap were Mitch, Anna, Ryan, Carly and Logan Nelson. All five of them had been placed in a room located in an abandoned barn. Throughout the trial, each of the participants had a game designed especially for him or her.
Bucket Room[]
This trap was the first part of the Murderer's Trial. After all except Logan woke up, the tape played and the chains started pulling everyone to the buzzsaws. Jigsaw explains that they will each have to sacrifice a small amount of blood in order to remove their bucketheads, and whoever tries to cheat would die. Anna realizes that they only needed to sacrifice at least a small amount of blood so she ends up cutting herself. The others follow what she did and end up being free from their buckets, aside from Logan, who looks like he got cut by the buzzsaws.
Chain Hangers[]

The victim in this trap was Carly. Billy the Puppet wheels out with a tape attached to him and a piece of paper that says 'confess'. Everyone starts to get pulled by the chains again but Mitch grabs the tape that Billy had and the chains stop. The tape was the voice of John Kramer and was telling the group to confess and that one of them had poison injected into them and was a purse-snatcher which lead to the death of an asthmatic woman. The group check their body for marks but everyone is clear but Carly. Three needles descend from the ceiling which has numbers printed on them, the tape says that one has the antidote, while the other two contain a harmless saline solution and Hydrochloric acid. Before the tape ends, it asked, "How much is life worth to you?". Ryan grabs the needles and tells Carly to pick one. Carly keeps on repeating the numbers "3.53" as this is how much money she got from the lady. Carly starts freaking out and can't decide. The chains start to pull the group towards the ceiling, trying to hang them. Ryan tries to inject all three needles in Carly as they are close to be hanged on the ceiling. Ryan successfully injects all three and they all drop to the ground. Carly gets up and sees Ryan injected all 3 needles in her neck. Carly starts to scream and drops to the ground. Blood pours out from the needle wound and from her ears killing her as the needle in the acid was injected in her system.
Leg Wires[]

The victim of this trap was Ryan. Ryan spots a door marked "No Exit" and proceeds to walk towards it in hopes to break through and escape the game. The door is on a slightly raised wooden platform which Ryan steps onto. The platform breaks away from beneath him, causing his leg to fall through.Three cables to wrap around his leg; one around the bottom of his calf, another around the upper/mid calf, and the last one above his knee. the cables are pulled taut by a series of pulleys. A tape player is then found in the bottom of the trap, which Mitch attempts to pull out with a rake, on his first attempt to retrieve the tape, Mitch accidentally hits one of the cables, causing them to pull even tighter on Ryan's leg. Mitch then tries a second time to retrieve the tape player with a rake, and again hits one of the cables, this time supposedly triggering a second set of cables that shred the rake. Mitch attempts to grab it with his arm, and finally succeeds. John Kramer's voice is heard on the tape, explaining that there is a lever located behind the cables of the trap, that will "set him free" A door then opens which leads to the silo (and the Grain Silo Trap within).
Grain Silo Trap[]

The victims in this trap were Anna and Mitch. Mitch and Anna left Ryan in the leg trap, while they investigated the newly-opened door. They walked into what appeared to be a grain silo, where there was a video monitor, and two remotes: one hanging from above, and one near Ryan. The remote in the silo was just out of reach, so Mitch lifted Anna up to reach the remote. Once the remote was retrieved, the door to the silo slammed shut, locking them in. They pressed "play" on the remote, and Billy the Puppet appeared on screen to explain the rules of the trap, and how to escape it. Ryan must pull the lever near his leg that will set them free. He said that he must "Free himself to free others". After the tape ended, the silo filled with grain, burying Anna and Mitch up to their chests and arms, at which point it stopped. However, sharp objects such as knives, pitchforks, and circular saw blades then began to fall, surrounding the two, and occasionally hitting them. Once Ryan finally pulled the lever, the cables around his leg tightened until his leg was severed into 3 sections, freeing him from the trap, and opening the silo door, freeing Mitch and Anna.
Cycle Trap[]

The victim in this trap is Mitch. Mitch finds a tape with his name on it. Once he pressed it, he was dragged upside down to his trap. John's voice was heard in the tape and says that years ago, he sold a motorcycle to a man who was John's nephew. Mitch lied to his nephew saying that the motorcycle was working but in reality, it had a faulty brake which lead to the death of John's nephew. He was suspended above a cone-like metal object with metal coils on the inside. John explains that he must press the handbrake at the bottom of the cone in order to stop the trap. After the tape, Mitch was slowly lowered down into the cone. As this happened, the very bike that Mitch had sold to John's nephew ran, causing the trap to spin. Anna climbed on top of the trap and tries to jam the wheels with a metal rod and was successful. Mitch, relieved, stops trying to reach the brake. However, the motorcycle wheel breaks the rod and begins spinning again, and as Mitch panics, he begins to swing, essentially throwing himself into the coils, which kills him and mutilates his body as Anna stands at the top of the trap.
Shotgun Keys[]

The victim in this trap is Anna. When Anna attempted to leave the barn, as Ryan was immobile and unable to follow, she was stopped by a man in a pig mask and rendered unconscious. Later, she and Ryan woke up in another room, and discovered they had been chained by their ankles to two opposite sides of the room. The person in the pig mask reveals himself as John Kramer, who then placed a shotgun on a pedestal between Anna and Ryan. John explains that they must see things upside down, and that the key is in their a shotgun shell, which John loads in the gun. Anna misinterprets what John said and proceeds to take the shotgun and shoot Ryan. However, the gun backfires and shoots Anna in the head, killing her. After that, Ryan realizes that there were two keys in the bullet, but they were both shattered when Anna pulled the trigger.
Laser Collars[]

The victim in this trap is Detective Brad Halloran. Logan, who was supposed to have failed the game, appeared to die from the trap, though his collar had less powerful lasers on it, so after his "death" Halloran confessed that he let innocent people die and the evil walked. However, Logan got up and revealed that the trap was inescapable. Logan revealed to Halloran that he is Jigsaw's first apprentice, and that he was one of the contestants in his "original game". He reveals that the bodies they have been finding is his doing, as he recreated the first game with only three victims, with Logan and Halloran being the final two. The first three victims were placed in many of the same traps as in the first game (namely, the Bucket Room, the Chain Hangers, and the Cycle Trap). Halloran protested by saying that John would give his victims a choice; a way to win the game. Logan, however, rebutted by saying that he had a choice: to scream or not. Logan activated Halloran's collar, which had functioning laser cutters, despite his protests. The lasers sliced Halloran's head into eight pieces and then released his corpse, which fell to the ground.
Reverse Bear Trap -
Cycle Trap -
Bucket Room -
Laser Collars -
The Murderers' Trial -
Grain Silo Trap -
Chain Hangers -
Shotgun Keys
All items (10)