Saw Wiki

MrProdigyOfficial MrProdigyOfficial 29 March 2023

Fanmade Saw Trap: Hand-Burner Trap/Burn What Has Burned

"Hello James. For years now, you've poisoned your drug clients and claimed it on overdose. You have filled their syringes with acids and poisons. You have burned others on the inside. To survive, you will now have to burn youself on the outside. The machine in front of you has a 1 minute timer attached to it. Once those 60 seconds are up, the machine will extend and cut your body in half with a hot saw. To avoid this, you need to get the deactivation key. But, you may be asking yourself, "where is this key?". The answer is very simple. Look to your sides. There are 2 boxes in reach. They each contain a button. If you press the 2 buttons, the key will drop in front of you, and you will be saved. It isn't so easy though. Once those buttons …

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FionaCordeliaGoode FionaCordeliaGoode 20 January 2023

Jigsaw Faces

There are two faces of the Jigsaw Killer.

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8AnimeChampMaster 8AnimeChampMaster 29 October 2022

The Plot Twists of SAW

Having seen all SAW films numerous times, one of the most famous scenes of SAW are the Plot Twists near the climax of each film. Of course, the Plot Twists were known in the SAW Fandom when upon seeing them for the first time in theaters (or on DVD/Streaming for first timers) and that even though there were clues/hints revealing that plot twists, no one could figure out until it was revealed by the characters.

  • 1 Saw
  • 2 Saw II
  • 3 Saw III
  • 4 Saw IV
  • 5 Saw V
  • 6 Saw VI
  • 7 Saw VII
  • 8 Jigsaw

The Plot Twist of the film revealed that John Kramer (The Dead Body) were the mastermind of the trap and there were a few hints throughout film.

  1. In a Flashback of John Sleeping in his hospital bed, on his table there was a design of an early concept of the famous Reverse Bear Trap,…

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Random fan camping Random fan camping 20 May 2021

Fanmade traps ideas

I'm not sure anyone has done this before, but this blog post is for people who have got ideas about traps and want to share them with others, use the comments to the post, sometimes I'm also going to share my ideas

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PierceNightsInBlue PierceNightsInBlue 10 May 2021


So I have a theory on how Adam Stanheight may still be alive, sorry if it doesn’t make much sense, I’m writing this with limited time. Also, this is fucking gruesome and disturbing, so I’ll put a TW for cannibalism and general violence now.Adam Stanheight

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Efepriwolan Efepriwolan 5 December 2020

Hi lol

Hey guys i don't  even know if this fandom is dead or not but,my name is efe and my favorite saw movie is the 7Th one and my favorite trap is the rack.

i watched all of the movies like 10 times lol i think i would be happy if this community is still alive

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Caeden11 Caeden11 29 October 2020

My Fanmade Traps

The Injector Trap. This trap was created to test Gretchen and Mark, a married couple of Anti-Vaxxers. Basically, Gretchen is tied to a iron pole and her husband has to climb through a pit of barbed wire to reach a switch, and they fail miserably, with Mark bleeding out and dying and Gretchen having a needle full of acid shot into her neck, melting her alive.

The Cinder-Block Trap. This trap was created to test David, a very cruel foreman in Mason And Sons Construction. So, he is tied to a bed and there is a cinder block suspended by a rope above his head. He needs to slice his right hand off in order to prevent the rope from dropping the cinder block. He slices off his right hand and escapes the trap. He then becomes a new apprentice of Jig…

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Sawrules8 Sawrules8 2 August 2020

The Jigsaw Blogs

This YouTube series takes place in the same universe as the "Saw" films and it follows a history teacher named Jacob Walton, who decides to record a YouTube Blog accounts of the events from the last "Saw" film, "Jigsaw." This is a fan made non-profit YouTube series that is dedicated to the 'Saw' franchise, but filmed in a new direction. These blogs will follow the character of Jacob Walton, (a history teacher) who was a member of the Jigsawrules.con website. These episodes will feature blog style monologues, in skype calls with other characters, and cold case file stories of past Saw characters. There are plans for a 12 episode season with the finale being plan on released in the weeks after the release of Spiral in 2021.

The goal for the s…

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Random fan camping Random fan camping 5 March 2020

What your favorite traps or trap in saw francise?

this blog what i first do on that wiki and here i ask what you favorite trap or maybe traps in saw francise and why my favorite traps is a reverse beartrap laser collars shotgun collar bathroom and reverse beartrap 2.0 (sorry for errors if they is)

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Wille3Dparty Wille3Dparty 1 October 2018

Saw 3 Alternative

Okay i wondered this for very long now.. If Jeff didn't kill John what would happened? I mean he is lying in the bed dying so who can show the way to his daughter? Hoffman? Gordon? LOGAN?  And what was Jeff's daughters test?

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SuperQueenster SuperQueenster 4 July 2018

I got some Traps design, do someone else does?

Lately, my head is full of saw traps design and I wanted to know if some of you guys have an idea that I could try designing on paper for you, that would be amazing...😅 I know that sounds weird but hey...I'm here for suggestions 😊

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Emeraldgamer07 Emeraldgamer07 19 April 2018

my fanmade saw trap

now,I'm a really big fan of saw. that's why I made a fanmade saw trap. a man's feet are chained to a conveyor belt. the conveyor belt goes tword a buzzsaw powered by a sires of cog wheel. if he doesn't cut his feet off,he will get blended by the buzzsaw

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NOMNOMNOM5562 NOMNOMNOM5562 24 February 2018

Mitch's scream tho


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Danknoodles Danknoodles 21 January 2018

Why I hate saw 5

The reason I hate saw 5 is they inroduced a brand new character just to keep the franchise going. Mark Hoffman would have to be my least favorite character only because they ade him have such a big impact in the 5th movie rather than in th 4 before. The fashbacks make the movie confusng as you don't know the diffrence between present time and the past. The main reason I don't love this movie is that they found a way to make Mark Hoffman have such a big role when really the directors were just trying to make more money since they killed off the two biggest characters in the movies. All the flashbacks that showed Mark helping John Kramer set up traps from the very begining of the franchise (the razor wire trap in the first saw is one example…

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ImperiexSeed-fduser ImperiexSeed-fduser 24 December 2017

Kevin McCallister from 'Home Alone' series is Jigsaw


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Ammolite1 Ammolite1 1 December 2017

Non Canon saw prequel series

Imma tell you why this is non canon. The pieces won't link to the actual lore. Basically a middle aged John Kramer is part of a violent protest which ends with him throwing a brick at a cop and killing him. And rather than taking the blame he frames his friend Michael who only gets a year in prison due to a technicality. So Michael out of prison decides to make traps for John and others from the protest and 2 cops. After John's test Michael makes John his apprentice but has the intent of killing him. Plot stuff traps blah blah blah John makes a trap to kill Michael and now he's jigsaw for about the rest of the series.

This trap was made by Michael for John. It is literally a modified Beartrap. It has 2 plates on the sides which when pressed…

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Crazy Suzy Crazy Suzy 1 December 2017

I made a Jigsaw Quiz on Buzzfeed!

Hey guys! So when the new Jigsaw movie came out I was pretty hyped and I found the new set of characters pretty interesting ( or should i say old set, hmm... ). So then I looked around the internet to see if i could find who I am from the character sets, but to my surprise, there was none, So i decided to make one myself!! I think it sort of sucks ass, but hopefully you guys like it. Here is the link to the quiz Enjoy!

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Magic0loc0 Magic0loc0 27 October 2017

Saw - The Next Generation (Revised)

A woman wears a device on her head which looks similar to the reverse bear trap. Instead, she has two hooks in the sides of her mouth. The hooks can retract and rip away flesh, leaving a big 'Joker' kind of smile on her face. The actual killing mechanism will be behind her head in the form of either a handgun or a shortbarreled shotgun or two spikes that can pierce her skull and eyes. There's a lot of variation possible there.

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Lifeisapuzzle Lifeisapuzzle 20 July 2017

John Kramer's Legacy

"Those who do not appreciate life do not deserve life."

Those are the words of John Kramer... words we heed.

You have been told things of value -- cars, houses, wealth -- have value. But do they really? The true value of life is only recognized when confronted with death. Knowing the fragility of life gives us strength.

You are weak. Become strong. Find strength in numbers. Our numbers.

Heed his words.


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Gameplayslay Gameplayslay 20 July 2017

We are Reborn

We are your family, your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers…

We can be anyone, and we are everywhere.

You are here seeking the redemption only the games can offer. You are here to choose life. You are here for the honor of carrying on the work, and we welcome you.

But first, you must cleanse yourself of the lies you tell yourself. Only the truth will set you free. Confess your sins and share your devotion now.

So many people walk the earth, ungrateful to be alive, already dead inside. They fill the void with empty pleasures, poison their bodies, and exist in denial of their own guilt. A life of complacency and binge-watched television shows is hardly a life at all. Those of us who truly appreciate life have confessed our sins and faced o…

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Thrillznchillz Thrillznchillz 20 July 2017

Jigsaw Saves

Much has been written about John Kramer and how he came to be the mastermind we all know
as the Jigsaw killer. His life has been picked apart and analyzed by journalists, investigators,
coroners, and laymen, then clumsi]y pieced back together and put on display in books and
documentaries for true-crime enthusiasts.

But all these biographies are false narratives, and the flesh is finite. His work, his legacy, is the
gospel that wakes us from our stupor and gives our lives purpose as the clock continues to count
down. I have followed his teachings and learned from his philosophy, and I have dedicated my
life to dissecting, testing, and understanding that “vital piece”.

Jigsaw becomes legion: a horde of disciples who understand a life is measured not…

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KillRoy231 KillRoy231 10 February 2017

Jigsaw breaks his own rules

I know there's a reason for each trap Jigsaw did, but he claims he's never killed anyone and that it's the victims' own fault if they don't have what it takes to survive, hence the jigsaw symbol he cut from the dead victims that got him his name.

But what about the traps where either the victims' survival is completely out of their hands, or at least one person has to die? Yes, he was trying to teach someone something each time, but doesn't it go against what he claims to believe in? Even if in most of them they technically kill each other, he still put them in a situation where at least one of them had to die, it's just up to them which one/s. (I guess we can just chalk it up to him being demented)

Note: I might have forgotten the official …

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Idekmandy Idekmandy 26 October 2016

Wiki Re-naming

Ok so I posted my adoption, now we wait. Hopefully Roger doesn't edit within the next week and Wendy doesn't review the adoption before his 60 days of inactivity is up.

Anywho, after I adopt, the first thing I wanna do is change the name of the wiki. The fact that someone decided to title it "Saw Movies" is just so stupid to me.

I definitely think we should have something in the name that signifies that this is a wiki page. It just looks more professional imo.

I know our logo says "Sawpedia" but I don't really like that. So should we stick with "Saw Films Wiki" to match the url, or maybe "Saw Franchise Wiki" or just plain ole "Saw Wiki"??

Idk what do you guys think?

Btw I'm still gonna leave the url as "sawfilms", I just want to request to chan…

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Idekmandy Idekmandy 20 October 2016

Wiki Adoption

Hey guys,

I’m creating this blog post just so we can all have a public discussion about the future ownership of this wiki. I’ll be leaving this up for a week and then I’ll send it to Wikia so they know we’re on the same page.

Crim and Luther are like the only active people here, and they already know me, but should anyone new decide to join after I post this - Hii, I’m Mandy and I’ve been a Saw fan for like literally 10 years.

I know I’ve only joined this wiki recently, but I’m REALLY looking forward to potentially adopting it because I think I could bring a lot of good.

It just makes me really sad to see the horrible condition that the wiki is in, and I want to do everything I can to help. I’m fairly experienced with coding, and I have a lot …

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The Criminal The Criminal 16 October 2016



Hey, I'm new to this wiki and I would just like to ask a two questions :)

A) Are people actually active

B ) Do you like the founder?

If anyone reads this blog post please tell me the answers

-Criminal xoxo

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RosaritaCisneros RosaritaCisneros 10 July 2016

Pamela Jenkins

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Nat García Nat García 11 February 2016

The Reverse Beartrap 3.0

The Reverse Beartrap 3.0 is an upgrade to the Reverse Beartrap 2.0.

It haves a few new parts:

  1. More metal to have better resistance.
  2. A digital timer that replaces the previous one.
  3. More wires for better system.

Its killing system is now quicker. It haves a few new complements:

  1. The drills: It will drill through the victim's shoulders.
  2. The spikes: It will spike the victim's eyes.
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Nat García Nat García 9 February 2016

The Ripper Trap (my fanon trap)

The Ripper trap is my fanon trap.

The victim starts on a far part of a room, on the opposite part, theres a door to escape.

The trap haves a device which is attached to the victim.

The device of the trap haves these parts:

  1. The chains
  2. The spikes
  3. The water filler
  4. The eye hazard
  5. The rippers
  6. The water storage

  • The water filler slowly puts water in the water storage, making the victim walk slower as it advances through the room.
  • The chains are chaining the victim's hands and feet.
  • The eye hazard will smash the left eye after the victim has passed the first quarter of the room, after it passed the second quarter, it will smash the right eye.
  • The rippers will rip the victim's hand fingers when it passes the first quarter.
  • The spikes will slowly spike the victim…

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Rclarke115 Rclarke115 30 January 2016

Who's Better? Adam--or--Strahm

Vote Between Adam Faulkner (Saw) and Peter Strahm (Saw IV, V)

​​As In Who Is The Better Character From The Saw Franchise.

also Tell Me Why You Like One of These Characters. Thanks ;)Rclarke115 (talk) 05:19, January 30, 2016 (UTC)Rclarke115

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Zachary.northrop.7 Zachary.northrop.7 29 October 2015

i think jlgrproductions traps should be in this wikia

I think jlgproductions original traps should be in this wiki his traps are very good if you don't know him he's from youtube

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Diszxchat Diszxchat 6 August 2015


Hi, and today I would like to tell you guys my fanmade idea traps. Please note that some ideas are inspired by other movies or the creation itself. So... let's get started, shall we?

Below here are my fanmade traps, they are explained in a detailed way. Let me know if you don't get the whole explanation thing.

Fanmade Traps are listed in Categories (Competition Traps, Standard Traps, etc...)

  • 1 Types of Trap
    • 1.1 Standard Traps
      • 1.1.1 Pears Of Anguish / Dislocated Jaw Trap / Be Silent As I Say
      • 1.1.2 Design and Function
      • 1.1.3 Inspiration
      • 1.1.4 Deadly Maze / Suicidal Trap / Live As I Ask
      • 1.1.5 Design and Function
      • 1.1.6 Inspiration
      • 1.1.7 Laser Eye Surgery Trap / Be Blind As I Want
      • 1.1.8 Over Drug Transplant / Deadly Reagent Trap / Be High As I Take
    • 1.2 Tests
      • 1.2.1 Scarrin…

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Kevinkelleygaming Kevinkelleygaming 12 June 2015

The axe trap

This is a trap in saw 8. Hitting you in the face. then the back then the butt. Then the mouth.

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Kevinkelleygaming Kevinkelleygaming 12 June 2015

The blender Trap

the person who puts their Hand in the blender and Do it for The whole time to win.

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Saboteur99 Saboteur99 10 May 2015

Memo: Character Ages

Guys, in light of me having to block the user Bucktony for the third time, I think it's time that I make an announcement.

We don't put the ages of characters in their infoboxes on this wiki. The reason for this is that to my knowledge, there has only been ONE character throughout the entire series whose age was given, and that is Jigsaw himself in Saw IV during the autopsy.

Now, if I am wrong and there are some other characters whose ages were given, let me know, and provide the scene in which it was given.

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Saboteur99 Saboteur99 5 May 2015

Play Me

You think it is over just because I have been inactive for several weeks?

I am still among you, and I promise the admining will continue.

Lol, but really. I've been busy and forgetting to do my weekly check-ins. I'm still here though!

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Kevinkelley Kevinkelley 11 April 2015

Saw 8 ideas

Trap ideas for Saw 8:

1. the the knife trap: kills people with the knifes when the time ran out.

2. the chainsaw trap: you gotta kill the people with the chainsaw that are in the trap or you die.

3. the axe trap: you gotta reverse this trap before the time runs out or your dead.

4. the shark trap: you gotta watch out for the sharks or the sharks will eat you and the tank will become blood water and you will be dead.

5. the car trap: if the car lands on you your dead. and if other people gets killed because the car fell on them.

6. the spike trap: Watch out for spikes or your dead. note: the spikes gets bigger.

7. the flame trowher trap: wacth out for flames or you will burn to death and you will be dead.

8. the explosives trap: turn off all the bo…

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1Hawaiian 1Hawaiian 21 March 2015

Another saw game?

Me and my girlfriend watched all the saw movies together one after another and I played saw the game and saw 2 flesh and blood one after another so im wondering if theirs anything left?? it doesnt seem like a new saw movie is coming anytime soon but what about a new game?? im really curious so if anybody knows than pls let me know =)

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Megan hanson Megan hanson 16 March 2015

why i love the saw movies

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Saboteur99 Saboteur99 25 February 2015


I started a new job recently that has me working lots of hours in addition to going to school, so I'm not going be able to get on here as much as I used to. I apologize for this, and will probably look for an assistant admin in the future.

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PrinceZarbon PrinceZarbon 17 February 2015

Favorite Characters

Does everyone here have some favorite characters they'd like to share?

When it comes to the SAW movies, I normally highly prefer the victim characters to the evildoers who create the traps; and I almost always love villains the most in other media. But in the SAW movies, I highly prefer the victims because they have the best death scenes. Characters with the best death scenes are almost always my favorites in all franchises. Everyone I love in the series is a properly used plot device character.

These are my top 5 favorite characters:

1. Steven Sing - I loved that he was the first character to get taken out by an actual tripwire trap with shotgun blasts which killed on contact as opposed to putting him through a test. Also, I loved that his …

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Saboteur99 Saboteur99 11 January 2015

If you could rename the Saw series to something else, what would it be?

I've been thinking lately about how the title "Saw" seems kind of unfitting for the series, especially after the first movie. So what would you rename it to if you could?

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Saboteur99 Saboteur99 25 November 2014

Check Out Our Affiliate Wiki, Predator Wiki

I've just created Predator Wiki, and am in need of help to build it up. Please give it a look and contribute if you're a fan of the Predator Franchise.

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Saboteur99 Saboteur99 13 November 2014

Construction Notice

Well guys,

My adoption campaign was a sucess!! I know that there aren't many of you around anymore (everyone seems to have vacated in 2013 or so), but I wanted to let those of you who are still here know that I'll be performing construction on the main look of the wiki, so I apologize for any constant changes throughout the day—it's just me experimenting.

Saboteur99 (talk) 06:50, November 13, 2014 (UTC)

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Saboteur99 Saboteur99 6 November 2014

My Plan

Hi everyone,

I've been making edits to this wiki off and on for two years, and I've been visting for longer than that. In the time I've been here, I've never seen any bureaucrats or admins on this site. I checked today and found that there are actually two, but one has not contributed here since 2011, and the other last contributed an edit here over a year ago. I love the Saw universe, and the first movie is one of my favorite movies of all time. I've posted a request on the main wikia website for me to adopt this wiki, effectively becoming a bureaucrat if I am approved. There are a few things I've been wanting to touch-up since I started editing two years ago, but haven't been able to due to my lack of admin status. Saw is a cool franchise w…

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Mm2dylan Mm2dylan 14 September 2014

Saw Scripts

Just thought I'd post this here for anyone interested. Includes the script from each movie, including an early draft of 4.

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618123 618123 2 August 2014

Original Traps

What type of Saw Traps could you think of that haven't been used in the films? What are the rules and how would you escape?

Here's one of my ideas:

Name: The Tableweight Trap

What it is: A man is strapped onto a table with a giant weight hanging above his face, behind a soundproof wall is his wife, there are a ton of keys hanging from the ceiling, she had to pick the right key to release him within the time limit, but every time a wrong key is picked, the weight raises 3 inches, if time runs out, the weight falls and crushes the man's head.

How To Escape: Just hope she picks the right key

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Deadshot1077 Deadshot1077 15 February 2014

I am new

It is nice to be here if there is anything please leave a message on my talk page

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Gcheung28 Gcheung28 18 October 2013

Thinking Outside of the Boxman Halloween Sweepstakes

Not much is scarier than Saw but how about testing that imagination of yours by entering the Thinking Outside of the Boxman Halloween Sweepstakes?

In time for Halloween, Bethesda Softworks has provided Wikia with a web-friendly 3D models for one of the game’s iconic villains, Boxman. Between now and October 31st, we want you to take these models as inspiration for creating your own terrifying costume or fan art. You then have a chance to win prizes like an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 graphics card and a The Evil Within poster signed by the father of survival horror, Shinji Mikami!

Check out more details here and enter the contest now!

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GodDamnBats GodDamnBats 22 February 2013


Okay guys, things have been getting out of hand lately, so I'm thinking about calling the staff and adopting this wiki. If any of you object or think you would be a better admin, speak up now.

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One Valkyrie One Valkyrie 5 December 2012

Where can I get the cloak?!?!

Ok, so I don't know if Jigsaw wore this in any of the other movies because I haven't watched them in forever, but I do know for sure he wore this in the first movie. The black cloak with the red on the inside that looks kind of silky-ish, maybe, does anyone know where I can get a cloak exactly like that?!?! Seriously, you would make my entire life sooo much better if you could help me out, I MUST HAVE A CLOAK JUST LIKE THAT!!!!! Please and thank you! :D

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