Saw Wiki


Art Blank's Test[]

The apartment belongs to Art Blank, the former lawyer, partner and friend of John Kramer, better known as the Jigsaw Killer. After surviving his first test in a mausoleum, Art obtained a file and an audio tape with further instructions for another game. Afterwards, his wounds from the first game were stitched up and he was forced to wear the Spine Cutters on his back, which would kill him if he refused to obey Jigsaw's orders. Within the next two weeks, he was forced to prepare a game for Jigsaw, which would focus on Daniel Rigg, an officer obsessed with saving everyone around him, as well as several of Art's own clients. Therefore, he built a trap designed for Brenda, a pimp who he once successfully defended for her crimes. Six days before the game began, he rented a room at the run-down Alexander Motel, which was owned by Ivan Landsness, another one of his clients who he got acquitted of rape three times. During the time of his stay at the motel, he smuggled several components into the room one by one and used them to set up another trap for Ivan.

When the time of the game had finally come, Art abducted his next client, Rex, an abusive father and husband, and his wife, Morgan, who had been violently abused by him over the years as well, at night and took them to one of the classrooms at the elementary school. After that, he put a leather harness on them a chained them back-to-back to a metal column in the middle of the room. Then, Art used a dangerous device, which worked similar to a nail gun, and shot eight long, thin metal spikes through their bodies. While Morgan only received severe flesh wounds, Rex was mortally wounded as the spikes had pierced his major arteries. After that, Art chained a tape recorder to Morgan's wrist which contained the instructions for her test. Additionally, he positioned a chart of the human body in front of Morgan and a wooden chart with the words "Your life is in her hands" in front of Rex and also hung-up numerous X-rays of the broken bones and injuries Morgan had received from Rex in the past. Having finished the preparations, Art went on and also set up a test for Officer Rigg, who was planned to arrive at the school shortly after Morgan's test. Therefore, he set up a timer, placed a second tape recorder for him on a table and placed a box with a photo of Tracy, Rigg's wife, behind the body chart. After that, he wrote the words "Save As I Save" on the blackboard and finally left the building. (Saw IV)

Rigg's Trial[]

Later that day, the SWAT team was called to Rigg's apartment at 23 Park Place after a reported shooting. Therefore, Lamanna took over the lead of the team and they invaded the apartment. When entering the living room, they found the humiliated corpse of Brenda, another Jigsaw victim, while Rigg had disappeared as he was forced to play one of Jigsaw's games on his own. Shortly afterwards, the forensic team arrived along with Special Agent Peter Strahm and Special Agent Lindsey Perez, who began their investigation. Meanwhile, Lamanna and Detective Fisk unsuccessfully tried to contact Rigg's wife, Tracy. When Strahm saw numerous photos on the wall and noticed one of Detective Hoffman, he asked Lamanna for his whereabouts. However, the attempts to call Hoffman remained unsuccessful as well.

Lamanna II

Lamanna informs the agents about Art Blank

Shortly afterwards the SWAT was called to the Alexander Motel. When they arrived there, they went to room 261 on the first floor where they found the dismembered body of the motel's proprietor, Ivan Landsness, whose limbs had been torn apart by another Jigsaw trap. Again, they called for the special agents and the forensic team who appeared only minutes later.

Police Raid[]

Saw4 38

The SWAT team enters Art's basement

While they investigated the crime scene, Lamanna found out that the room had been rented for the last six days by a lawyer named Art Blank, who had been reported missing two weeks earlier. Therefore, Strahm ordered him to find out his address. While discussing the new situation with Perez, he stated that two of the victims from the photos in Rigg's apartment as well as every partner he ever worked with were dead. Furthermore, he pointed to a message written on the door which said, "Feel as I feel" and reminded Perez of a similar message written on the wall of Rigg's apartment which said, "See as I see". Thereby, he concluded that John Kramer tried to teach his lessons to Rigg and suspected that Rigg had been recruited by him.

Perez and Strahm's Trial[]


Strahm realizes that him and Perez are Jigsaw's targets

Moments later, Lamanna reentered the room and told them that Art Blank owned several properties, the last known address being only two blocks away. Therefore, they went to the address and entered the basement. After securing the area, they found two labelled files left for them on a table. Written on the first one was the message "Open the door and you will find me", while the second message warned them: "You are in danger of getting too close... step back." Additionally, a security camera was mounted to the wall and filmed them. Strahm removed it, realizing that he and Perez were in fact Jigsaw's targets. (Saw IV)
